BRAND SPOTLIGHT: Gel Blasters - The TikTok Famous Gel Shooters
Today we're spotlighting a new brand we carry called Gel Blasters! Called "The next evolution of backyard fun," these gel shooters have absolutely blown up on TikTok, racking in millions of views. After months of waiting, we were finally able to get our hands on some.
@gel.blaster Beach Battle @solaglocal ##battle ##beach ##noob ##gel
♬ Wipe Out - The Surfaris
Back in August, we met the team behind Gel Blasters at an ASTRA tradeshow. (American Specialty Toy Retailing Association) They easily had the most popular booth of the show and the energy to back it up.
With multiple 'shooting ranges' setup, a full-sized Gel Blasters Mercedes Sprinter, and even a few team members willing to get shot for 'product testing' purposes, they had the attention of everyone there.
Their main product is the Gel Blaster Surge. It's a fully automatic gel blaster shooter. It can shoot over 100ft at 150 feet per second. The blaster is rechargeable and shoot bio-degradable gel balls. It comes with one gravity fed hopper that holds up to 800 Gellets, USB C Charging Cable, Safety Glasses, Orange 5,000 round Gellet pack, Blue 5,000 round Gellet pack, and an instruction sheet with paper target. You can also buy addition gel refill packs.

Of course I had to shoot myself with it just to see how strong it really was. It's definitely softer than Airsoft and paintballs, but has a bit more sting to it than a nerf dart. The SURGE gel guns shoot surprisingly fast with accuracy. It's targeted age range is 12 years old an up, and as long as you're outside and wearing eye protection, you'll be having fun.
Click here for our Gel Blasters inventory!